Monday 8 January 2007

Horlicks Doggies Cookies

When I first came across these Horlicks Doggies Cookies, I simply knew I must bake them very soon! They are so cute! The original recipe was posted in AsiaOne. These cookies will be great as gifts for the coming Chinese New Year, so I tried making them with my 2 boys yesterday.

I did not show them any pictures on how the doggies would look like. I just told them to use the koko krunch for the ears, chocolate rice for the eyes and the chocolate chips for the noses. They came up with their own version of their doggies, for example, instead of having the eyes slanted (as done by other food bloggers), they made them straight, which I thought they look nicer. This gave the doggies an "innocent" look, while the slanted eyes made the doggies appeared a bit "sad". My younger boy made the ears "flying up" and for the noses, he placed the pointed end of the chocolate chips pointing outward, instead of the other way round. I thought their versions looked more like doggies while mine (which I followed how other food bloggers made them) looked more like koala bears.

The cookies are very crunchy. When the first tray was ready, my elder child ate 6 of them in a row! The father came along to join in the "feast" and half the tray was gone before the second tray was baked!

(makes about 48 cookies)

180g butter, soften at room temperature
80g Horlicks (original flavour)
200g top flour or cake flour
25g corn flour
25g milk powder
100g chocolate chips
some chocolate rice
some Koko Krunch

  1. Pre-heat oven to 140deg C. Line baking tray with baking paper and set aside.
  2. Sieve top flour, corn flour and milk powder.
  3. Cream butter and Horlicks for about three minutes at low speed. Do not overbeat.
  4. Put in top flour, cornflour and milk powder and beat for about one minute to form dough.
  5. Divide dough into 10g each. Put three chocolate chips into each piece of dough and roll into balls.
  6. Insert two pieces of Koko Krunch to form the 'ears', chocolate rice for the "eyes", and a chocolate chip in the centre for the 'nose'.
  7. Bake at 140 deg C for about 25 minutes. Depending on your oven, it may take another 5 to 10 minutes more for the cookies to be ready.
  8. Leave to cool on wire rack before storing in an airtight container.


laureen said...

These are simply too cute! Your boys are so creative =)

Happy Homebaker said...

Hi thecoffeesnob, thanks for your kind words. I will let them know ;)

ashieBee said...

heyya :)

the cookies are really cute! i'm planning to bake it for my housemate as her birthday pressie. She loves dog alot!!!

so nwy, can i know what flour to use? what is top flour? is it the normal plain flour? sorry, but im still new in this baking thingy...hehehee!

and, do u think if you are to do it again, will u modify anything in the recipe? like add a bit of sugar? or anything else?

thanks for your help!

Happy Homebaker said...

Hi ashieBee,

Thanks for dropping by. It’s really nice of you to bake cookies for your housemate.

I am not sure where you are located, but we are able to get top flour or cake flour from the supermarkets here. You may refer to this website for the details on the various types of flour

I would not add in sugar, as the taste is just right for me. As baking is really a science, adding or reducing ingredients will affect the result, unless you don’t mind experimenting. So instead of adding sugar, would suggest that you add in a few more chocolate chips in each dough to make it sweeter. Hope this is helpful.

Anonymous said...


May I know what type of milk powder do you use? Can I steal the powder from my son's EnfaPlus?

Anonymous said...


May I know any specific milk powder to use? Can I steal the milk powder from my 4 yr old son's EnfaPlus?

Happy Homebaker said...

Hi anonymous

I use my son's Dumex Dugro3 and it works fine ;)
guess you can use EnfaPlus as well, as long as it is not soya based. Happy baking!

Anonymous said...

hi,jus want to thank you for the horlick doggie cookies. My kids were find it sooo cute n before you know it,its all gone as they brought it to school to share with their friends.Now making a second batch to share it with my friend kids.Hope you can come out with more cute cookies soon.Thanks for sharing.God bless you.

Happy Homebaker said...

Hi Grace, glad to hear that the cookies were a hit among the kids :p
My boy has also brought the cookies to school to share with his friends! The kids just love it!

Anonymous said...

Hi there!!

I am new to baking =D Wld like to ask how do I noe when a cookies is ready? for eg for cake, i can test with a skewer...for cookies how can i b sure whether its cooked?

Hope to hear from u soon


Happy Homebaker said...

Hi Philia, for cookies, you will need to follow the suggested baking time. When it gets closer to the finishing time, you can first judge by the browning of the cookies, once it is lightly browned, you should be ready to remove it from the oven. The bottom of the cookies should also be lightly browned. You can also test taste it...the cookies should taste crunchy. Hope this helps.

Anonymous said...

Hi there!!

Thanx for the info. I will try to bake it tdy!!

Loves yr blog to bitss! U r really gifted in baking!


Happy Homebaker said...

Hi Philia, I am looking forward to hearing the outcome of your cookies, hope you will like it!
Thanks for your compliments, you are giving a "hat that's too huge to fit my head"!

Anonymous said...


I saw your recipe yesterday at about 5 pm in my office. The doggie cookies were so adorable that I wanted to make them straightaway. So immediately after I knocked-off, I went to buy the ingredients that my kitchen was short (chocolate chips and koko crunch). By 8.30 pm the cookies were all ready.

I only put 1 choc chip into each dough ball and 1 for the nose because I didn't want my son (who was recovering from cough) to eat too much chocolate . So the cookies tasted "not-sweet". I'll definitely put more the next round.

Happy Homebaker said...

Hi Emily, thanks for dropping by :)
I popped by your blog, glad to hear that you kids like these cookies! I like the fact that they are not sweet at all :)

Anonymous said...

hey is it okay to use all purpose flour instead of cake and top flour?

Happy Homebaker said...

Hi, I think you can use all purpose flour instead, however, I think the cookies will not be as crunchy.

Lien said...

I just came across these fantastic doggie cookies you've been making. I think they're absolutely great!.
But could you explain what milo and horlick are. I live in the Netherlands and have never heard of them, but maybe I can find something to substitute them with... Thanks

Happy Homebaker said...

Hi Lien, Horlicks are malted drinks, you can look at the image here ( Whereas Milo is a chocolate milk drink. There are various types of milo products, in readu-to-drink packet form or in powdered form, see here ( For this recipe, the horlicks or Milo used are in powdered form. Hope this helps :)

Lien said...

thank you for your answer. It'll be hard to find a substitute, but now I know what it is... maybe I find something to use. Thank you!

Pwinncess said...


I dont think we have cake flour here so i was wondering if all purpose flour is the same as plain flour.



Happy Homebaker said...

Hi linfoong, all purpose flour is the same as plain flour. However, cake flour is different from plain or all purpose flour. You can refer to this site ( to add some amount of corn flour to all purpose flour to make your own cake flour. Hope this helps :)

Pwinncess said...

thank you so much!!! ur blog site is really good!!! :) :) :)

Anonymous said...

I am trying to bake them right now as I am typing! Just waiting for the result. I don't have the rice chocolate as I found your recipe after coming back from the supermarket! Am loving it cos it is so cute and my 3 year old is waiting impatiently! It's so cute and I made papa bear, mama bear and sunflower! Thanks for sharing!

Happy Homebaker said...

Hi Julez, hope your cookies turns out well :)

Karen said...


The milk powder that is needed, can we use the kids' milk powder instead? Like Friso? :p


Feli R. said...

Hi, i just found your blog last night. I haven't browse your blog yet but i must say i like the colour and design but i like the topic the most, cooking and baking!

Btw, i am felicia. I am an overseas student in Australia who always wanted to cook or bake but haven't got any chance.

Anyway if u want to know more about me, i am a beginner blogger. My blog is at

Happy Homebaker said...

Hi Karen, I use my son's Dumex milk powder and it works fine :)

Hi Felicia, thanks for dropping by and welcome to the blogging world :)

Mrs P said...

What cute cookies! I just made them and they taste a-m-a-z-i-n-g too. Thanks!

Anonymous said...

Hallo, i can't stop smiling looking at my doggie cookies. Thanks for the great idea. You really make my day.

Sheltie Girl said...

You and your children did a wonderful job on the cookies. I can't wait to try these out with my own kids. Although I'm going to try and substitute Rice Milk powder for the Horlicks, the results could be interesting.

Sheltie Girl @ Gluten A Go Go

Anonymous said...

Hi. I've read on another site that you can mix 1 3/4 cup all-purpose flour and 1/4 cup cornflour to get 'cake flour'. Don't know if it works but I'm certainly going to try it out with this recipe.

Thanks for sharing all your wonderful recipes as well as your baking mistakes with us .. i'm always on the lookout for something new to try and i love everything on your site.



Anonymous said...

Just to check can I omit out milk powder as my kids don't drink powder milk.

Happy Homebaker said...

Hi Anonymous, I'm sorry as I am not sure whether it will have any effect if the milk powder is left out? Maybe u could give it a try...and replace with equal amount with horlicks?

Anonymous said...

This recipe looks tasty and delicious but i dont know what are horlicks o-o can you next time try not to put names of product or put the names of product beside x.x

Happy Homebaker said...

Hi Anonymous,
thanks for your comments :)
Horlicks is a type of malted milk beverage...just go a search on Wikipedia and u will get a photo and description of it. Over here, we grew up referring these products by their names, eg Milo, Horlicks, Ovaltine :)

Happy Homebaker said...

Hi Anonymous,
thanks for your comments :)
Horlicks is a type of malted milk beverage...just go a search on Wikipedia and u will get a photo and description of it. Over here, we grew up referring these products by their names, eg Milo, Horlicks, Ovaltine :)

Anonymous said...

Woa Thank you that helps a lot ^^

orionstar76 said...

Hi, I'd tried baking these cookies, following exactly the recipe except that my cookis look more like a bear than a dog :p I didn't have milk poweder so I'd top it up with more Horlicks and the taste is still okay. My husband luvs these cookies! This is definitely a keeper for me. Thanks!

Anonymous said...


I tried making these cookies. But they didn't turned out to be as crunchy as I hoped. Is it suppose to be crunchy like famous amos cookies?
I used cake flour. Hmm taste wise they were great. My cookies resemble piggies more than doggies :P - Lizzy

Happy Homebaker said...

Hi Lizzy, these cookies are crunchy, but I can't tell whether they are as crunchy as famous amos cookies. Cake flour should be fine.

Anonymous said...

Wow these are so cute! I can't wait to make a batch!

Anonymous said...

jus enquiring, can i use the machine for beating a cake mix to beat a dough???

Happy Homebaker said...

Hi Mushroom, yes, u can use an electric mixer to mix the dough, u just need to mix for one minute. I just made one batch of these cookies yesterday...instead of using the mixer, I do it manually. I left the butter in room temperature till it is qutie soft, and I beat it with a wooden spoon with the horlicks powder. After adding the flour mixture, I mix it with a spatula and gather the mixture by hand to form the dough. Hope this helps :)

Sabrina_Chau said...

Hi, My daughter and I tried making the Horlicks Doggie Cookies yesterday. We had so much fun making the faces! thanks.

Anonymous said...

Hi there! i need to ask a question. I don't have an oven so i used an oven toaster in replacement. what happened was the cookies turned out soft and my koko krunch burnt! pls advice as i really want to bake some of these for my friends!thanks.

Happy Homebaker said...

Hi Grace, The temperature of your oven toaster may be too high, that's why the koko krunch got burnt and the cookies are under baked. These cookies have to be baked at a low temperature of 140degC. I guess you will have to use an oven to bake these cookies. Alternatively, you may want to try cover the cookies with aluminimum foil to prevent the koko krunch from getting burnt. However, I am not sure whether this will work or not.

Anonymous said...

can i use maida/all purpose flour instead of cake flour?thanks and do you have any other eggless recipes on your site?

Happy Homebaker said...

Hi Anonymous, you can refer to this site ( to check how you can substitute all purpose flour with plain flour, you just need to add certain amount of corn flour to all purpose flour. Hope this helps :)

Anonymous said...

thanks a lot for letting me know about this website. it is really cool and very informative. thanks a lot again :)

Anonymous said...

Hi.. Thanks for the lovely recipe and it tasted really nice.. I had initially wanted to bake it with my godchildren but in the end it was the adults whom were having fun..

Anonymous said...

just to let you know..i made them last night for my daugther's school sharing was a was sniffed out from the table by the kids...i bought the horlicks in australia in yuen's (brisbane) and can't find the choco rice thing for the eyes instead i got some "drizzlers"from coles (chocolate pouch that you heat up in the microwave with a small piping end), once i painted the went's been a couple of months since i got this recipe...but am glad i've kept it...thank you very much for sharing....tabchie

d e p e z a h r i a l said...

I have made one with some "experimental" and accident ahhaha..

Experiment: I replace horlicks with banana flour. It tastes GOOD!

Accident : I forgot to add milk powder (^_^)

But it doesn't change the "cuteness"

Thanks A LOT. I'm going to post 'my dog' in my multiply blog (^_^)

Anonymous said...


What can I sub for cake flour/ top flour? [P.S - I don't have all purpose flour to substitute it. :(]

Happy Homebaker said...

Hi Anonymous, all purpose flour is same as plain flour, do you have that?

Anonymous said...

Hi yes I do have plain flour. Oh also, I was wondering if I baked it at the afternoon say 6pm? And give it to my friends the next day at lunch time, will it grow hard or will it still be the same.

Also, to keep it fresh, where do I store it? Thanks.

Sorry for the list of questions.
Reply soon

Anonymous said...

Oh yea, sorry. One more question. If I sub the cake flour with 1 3/4 cup plain flour and 1/4 cup of cornstarch will it still be the same cookies? Than if I sub it with cake flour? If not, what will the difference be?


Happy Homebaker said...

Hi Anonymous,
I have not tried sub cake flour with plain flour, as such I am not able to comment on this. Are you a local? If yes, you can get cake flour or even Top flour easily from supermarkets. It saves you all the guessing if you were to be able to use cake flour.
After baking the cookies, let it cool off completely, and store them in air-tight containers. Air-tight glass jars will be best, if you don't have you can store them in air-tight plastic containers. They will not turn hard even left for up to 1 week :)

Anonymous said...

Hi Happy Homebaker,

Just like to clarify, your meaning of crunchy is it the same as if you eat koko krunch? Coz i tried it this morning and find that it is more of a soft cookie texture and when you put in your mouth, it will shatter into pieces (do you call this melt in the mouth, haha)

Happy Homebaker said...

Hi Littlelamb, no, these cookies will not be as crunchy as koko krunch! Neither it is so soft that it melts in the mouth :)

The said...


can add HL milk instead of milk powder?

milo 3-in-1 can be used? or the normal type?

Happy Homebaker said...

Hi, I'm afraid you cant replace milk powder with HL milk which is in liquid form. You may try replacing it with equal amount of horlicks or milo instead. I used the normal type of milo, as those 3 in 1 have got sugar added, I am not sure whether it will be too sweet?

Anonymous said...

hey hello. if i dont put milk powder and dont replace it with equal amt of milo will it be okay? taste weird?

are there other alternatives? like. replace with milo but half of the supposedly required amt of milk powder? etc?

Happy Homebaker said...

Hi, I am sorry, but I dont know whether the taste will be weird? Actually it is best to follow the recipe as closely as possible. So far I have only tried replacing horlicks with milo as such I can't advise you on other alternatives.

The said...

thanks for your reply... Your blog ROCKS....

Anonymous said...

hi there, tried out the recipe and they turn out great. love the recipe.....

Anonymous said...

good post

Jessica said...

Can I use American ingredients for this recipe. I don't know what the difference in flour is and I have no idea what horlicks is. The cookies are so stinkin' cute, but I don't know about the recipe. And I don't have anything to measure the ingredients by weight, only by cups, tablespoons, or teaspoons. Let me know if there's anything I can do to modify this recipe. Thanks!

Happy Homebaker said...

Hi Jessica,
You can try this version without using horlicks: (
as for converting the measurement, you can check out this site: (
Hope this helps :)

Wen Ting said...


I was wondering if it was possible to substitute the milk powder with fresh milk instead, because i don't have milk powder and i won't drink it if i get it...

If it is possible, how much should i add? If you have any idea plase tell me! Thanks! =)

Happy Homebaker said...

Hi Wont, Hi, I'm afraid you can't replace milk powder with fresh milk which is in liquid form. You may try replacing it with equal amount of horlicks instead.

luv2bake said...

Hi Happyhomebaker,

I chanced upon your blog recently and was really impressed with it. I love baking and have been baking for several years. But only recently did i started my own blog on baking.
I love the horlicks doggie cookie recipe and lots of your other posts. You are really creative. :)
I may be baking for some charity sales and was wondering if it's ok that i use this recipe?


Happy Homebaker said...

Hi luv2bake, thanks for dropping by :) I only started baking 2 years ago, I have got lots to learn from you! I don't see a problem with using the recipe for your charity bake sales...there are many who bake these for sale. Wishing you a great success at your charity sales.

luv2bake said...

Hi Happyhomebaker,

Thanks for your reply and well wishes. I look forward to learning from you & sharing my experiences & baking experiments. :)

I'll definitely be following your blog posts regularly. :)

Tasmin said...

Urms Does Phoon Huat sells Milk powder and the chocolate rice how much does it cost? The one at phoon huat

Happy Homebaker said...

Hi Tasmin, I don't know whether PH sells milk powder, but the chocolate rice should be around $2~3 a small pack.

Shannon Er said...


Just a quick question... how long do these cookies last before they lose their crunchyness? - if you would know?


Happy Homebaker said...

Once the cookies cool off completely, store them immediately in a good air-tight glass container (plastic ones tend to absorb moisture) and they can stay crisp for up to 2 weeks. If you want to extend it longer, transfer any leftover cookies into a smaller container...the rationale is try to fill up the container leaving as little air space as possible to prevent the cookies from loosing the crunchyness. Hope this helps.

Anonymous said...

I am sure you can use any cookie daugh receipie and just add these little details to it.. right.

Happy Homebaker said...

Hi Anonymous, yes you can use any cookie dough :)

Anonymous said...

wish to ask whether the top flour can i change it to hongkong flour?


Happy Homebaker said...

Hi Shim, I am sorry I am not sure about replacing it with Hong Kong flour. Can you get cake flour? If not you can substitute it with a mixture of plain flour and cornflour. You can refer to this website: for the substitution.

Anonymous said...

thnks for the reply. its ok, manage to get the top flour after work just now.. have done a batch of the cookies...
well yummy.. :p


Herch said...

Hi Happy Home Baker!!

I think i need a bit of help in terms of the milk powder....

I'm a student, i ain't got kids...can i find a substitute for milk powder?Hope you can clarify my doubts soon cos i'm planning to bake this for my friends who love dogs. Hope to hear from you soon.=)

Happy Homebaker said...

Hi Herch, I think you can use equal amount of horlicks to replace the milk powder. I don't think it will affect the texture too much. Happy baking!

Vivienne said...

Hi, Happy Homebaker,
I love the cookies. It definitely brightens up my day! But, what a pity, the cookies are not sweet. Have you experiment adding sugar?


Happy Homebaker said...

Hi Viv, I am sorry, I have not tried adding sugar.

Anonymous said...


you mentioned that you beat the butter and horlicks powder manually. May I know how long does it take for it to become the desired state? What kind of spatula do you use by the way? Thanks!!

Happy Homebaker said...

Hi, I am sorry, I didn't time how long I took, probably 5mins or so. Just beat until the mixture becomes fluffy. I use a simple plastic spatula...u can take a look at it at my video clip on "Making Muffins".

jjcht said...

Hi! I adore your blog alot. You are my source of inspiration in baking! I tried your recipe on Horlicks Doggies Cookies, they taste great! I love them. My kids love them too. The thing is my doggies look horrible, and yours so cute. Haha! That's the main difference btw amatuer & professional bakers ;) Nevertheless, not bad for 1st timer like to bake such cookies. Thanks!

Happy Homebaker said...

Hi HT, I am glad to hear that you like these cookies. Nah, I am not a professional baker in any sense, I'm just a housewife who likes to play around with flour, eggs, butter and sugar ;)

jjcht said...

Hi HHB, any of your recipes that you can recommend for beginners to try out?

Happy Homebaker said...

Hi HT, most of my recipes (except for layered cakes) are very simple, and most of them I attempted it first time, so you can try out anyone :) but for a start, maybe you can start with making simple muffins and cookies.

Mool said...


I've tried the cookies several times, My kids love them, thanks.

However, I noticed that my cookies when baked, it become "flatten" and spread out as in chocolate cookies. The cookies were "cute", but I would prefer the doggies to be more "3D" like yours. I baked them at 160 degree for 22 mins.

Can you advise on how should I go abt making them more "3D"?


Happy Homebaker said...

Hi Mool, I think maybe you have over beaten the butter mixture, or the measurement of the ingredients were not seems like you have used too much butter. Or, you may have left the butter to soften too much before beating it. As a result the cookies spreaded upon baking. Also, your baking tray has to be cool before using it, other wise the cookies will start to melt away before you bake them in the oven.

Mool said...


Thanks for the reply. Hmm, I think I did really soften the butter at room temp for too long. I left outside for more than an hr b4 I start to mix them.
Thanks for the tips, will try again.


Anonymous said...

thanks for the recipe, i couldn't wait but to make them today and they are soooo cute! my helper and i had a laugh while making the faces of the doggies!

but i didn't think they were sweet enough, maybe because the choc chips were not distributed evenly. some mouthfuls of cookies didn't have chocolate!

Dina said...

Hi HHB, this is a great recipe & your dog looks good! Mine looks abit distorted.. hee.. but nevertheless still cute! I did the milo cookies & everyone commeted how cute it is! I hope the kids will love it when I bring to my son's schools for his celebration on fri.

I am storing the cookies in a Lock&lock container, would it still be cruncy on Fri? I bake this wed afternoon. And also the ears (koko crunch) tend to come off easily, am not sure if it can withstand when I packed it separately in the goody bag. Any advise?

Happy Homebaker said...

Dina, as long as you store them in air tight containers, they will stay crunchy even up to 2 weeks. I guess maybe you didn't 'stick' the ears deeper into the dough when shaping, so they came off easily? I don't have problem with it, and I have even sent a box to a friend in HK :)

Dina said...

Hi HBB, just want to tell u the milo doggy is a hit! The texture is the melt in your mouth kind, super nice! Thanks for being so generous in your answers, you are such a gem! :)

Oh ya, want to ask u is the dough texture very soft kind? Am not sure why my 2nd batch was quite soft & I didn't leave the butter out for too long. hmm

Happy Homebaker said...

Dina, maybe you over beat the butter for your 2nd batch? The dough is soft, yet you can still shape it easily. If you find the dough too soft, maybe you can leave it to chill in the fridge for about 10-15mins before shaping. Hope this helps :)

Anonymous said...


love your blog to the max, the recipes are easy to follow and have very clear steps!!! :)

THANK YOU!! you made me want to bake alot of pastries and cakes!!! :D

Happy Homebaker said...

Hi, I am glad that you have fun baking :) and that is not because of my blog, because Baking itself is very addictive :):)

Jessie said...

Hi Happy Homebaker,

I tried baking the cookies twice and notice that the they feel soft when out from the oven. Have I done anything wrong?

Happy Homebaker said...

Hi Jessie, all cookies when hot out of the oven will feel soft, just leave them to cool off, and they will be ok.

Anonymous said...

Hi, i baked this cookies and they turned out to be rather tasteless. can we add sugar to the recipe?

Anonymous said...

Hi, Can i ask youthe butter for cookies is unsalted or salted?

Happy Homebaker said...

Hi, you can use either salted or unsalted butter.

Anonymous said...

Hi Happy Home Baker, a happy new year to you. I am a student and I have just got hooked on baking. I would like to get an oven and my budget is less than $200. I intend to get one that can bake cakes and cookies and the occasional roast chicken. I am not too sure what to look out for in an oven like the size of the oven, number of racks,heating coil, fan, cleaning etc. What is it in buying an oven that I have to pay atttention to? What type of brands do you recommend? I am current considering a Toyomi 36 or 38litre oven of model TO36RC or TO38RC or a Tefal oven that is 26litres of model OV1002.Hope you can help me with this. Cant wait to get a new oven!

Happy Homebaker said...

Hi Anonymous, for a budget of $200, you can only get a small 20-26L table top oven. I have been using a 20L Tefal oven since I started baking 4 years ago. All the bakes I posted here came out from this small oven (I got it around $260). It serves me well. Because of the budget, you can only look out for things like the oven door (not too flimsy), whether it can fit in a chicken. Ovens in this price range usually do not come with a fan, and most of the time, only one set of heating coils. One thing you must get is an oven thermometer. If you are a local, you can get the thermometer from Phoon Huat. Hope this helps and happy baking!!!

Anonymous said...

Hi Happy Home Baker, really glad to hear from you. I have already bought my oven the Tefal one. =) So now I just need to find time to bake. =) May I know what is an oven thermometer? What is it used for? How much does it cost at Phoon Huat? Hope to hear from you soon! =)

Happy Homebaker said...

Hi, congrats on your new oven! An oven thermometer looks something like this (
Just ask the shop assistant at Phoon Huat for it. It is around $15-20. Place it inside your oven to check the oven temperature.

FaithHopeLove said...

Hello Happy Home Baker, I have made the cookies.. it's looked good~ however, I am not sure whether I have under bake the cookies.. as the bottom part seemed like a bit "wet".. can i re-bake them again?

Happy Homebaker said...

FaithHopeLove, it could be due to the uneven oven temperature, the top is browned but the top is underbaked. You can bake it again, but cover the top with alum foil to prevent over browning.

Anonymous said...

HI Happy Homebaker =)
i totally fell in love with these cookies when i first saw it.
I tried reading all the comments you had to find out whether it is okay to substitute the milk powder with fresh milk, but even though there was one person who asked, you didn't end up answering them. So i was wondering if it is possible to use fresh milk.
also, for the chocolate rice, i'm not really sure what it is, and i tried looking for it in the supermarket (i'm in Australia) and i couldnt find any. Is it actually rice? or a decorative chocolate thing??
Sorry for the many questions, i'm actually really looking forward to making these =)
Thankkks =)

Happy Homebaker said...

Hi Anonymous, please do not substitute the milk powder with fresh milk as it would probably make the dough too wet. Replace it with same amount of holicks instead. Chocolate rice is not rice, it is chocolate...just like those colourful chocolate sprinkles on donuts.

Anonymous said...


milk powder Qs again

can use the milk powder from bakery store?


Happy Homebaker said...

Hi I suppose you can use it since it is from baking store.

Anonymous said...

Hi HHB, thanks for sharing your recipes and informative baking/cooking tips :D
Yesterday, I tried out to bake these Horlicks Cookies... it was so enjoyable when trying my best to shape them differently.. ^v^ here is the picture of my end results... (^_^)...yummy yummy!!!
As I only using a small box of Koko Krunch hence ran out of the KKK for the last few cookies and hence it came out to be a weird one.. hehehehe
These are the ingredients that I used. I thought may be it is helpful for those who don't know what is Horlicks or Chocolate Rice & etc...
(, I think my kitchen is going to get very busy after I found your site... :p
- DLover

Happy Homebaker said...

hi Dlover, thanks so much for sharing your baking experience! Your photos certainly helps, thanks for taking the trouble :):)

Anonymous said...

Thanks for sharing! They are so cute!!

Anonymous said...

Hi, I baked these y'day but I've used the wrong flour! I used Plain flour instead of Top Flour.:(
The dough was 'too loose' not able to compact it. And the ears kept dropping off or even cracked.
Well the cookies ended up still looking good and cute (after a few more times to secure the ears again)
Verdict: No taste, not sweet, no horlicks taste.

1) Will the flour determine the sweetness of the cookies? Realised that the cookies are not sweet at all (I'm don't eat very sweet stuffs) Even my kids, husband and my mum thinks that I didn't put sugar that's why not sweet. But I told them ur recipe require no sugar.

2) Will there be any HOrlicks taste?

I would wanna bake this again and this time to do it right!
Thank you once again!

Happy Homebaker said...

Hi Bebe, Top flour is more 'fine' than plain flour, so if you were to use plain flour, the dough should not be too loose. I suspect you may have over creamed the the butter mixture became greasy, instead of light and fluffy. As a result the cookie dough became too wet and sticky. I am not sure whether this is the case?

There is no sugar in flour, so it will not affect the sweetness of cookies if you use a different type of flour.

There will be a slight horlick taste, but not strong.

You may wrap in as many chocolate chips as possible to increase the sweetness. If not maybe you can try other recipes that has got more sugar in it? I am sorry, most of the recipes I posted used less sugar and less fat, so it may not suit everyone's taste buds.

Hope this helps :)

Anonymous said...

Hi, Happy Homebaker

Like to check if I can add sugar to the cute doggie cookies? Will the sugar cos the cookies to be burn easily while baking?


Happy Homebaker said...

Hi Mom-of-2-lovely-gals, I am sorry I do not know whether adding sugar will have any effect.

Mag said...

Is the butter salted or unsalted? My cookies turned out to be quite bland. Maybe didnt finish using the choco chips though I did put 3 in each ball. Or maybe due to using Anlene adult milk powder.

In any case, I still love your blog and recipes, and tried a couple of cookies recipes. The tastes suit me.

Thanks very much for your sharing! God bless!

Happy Homebaker said...

Hi Mag, the original recipe doesnt state which type of butter, but I used unsalted butter. I am sorry to hear that this recipe doesnt suit your taste. You can wrap in more chocolate chips. I don't think the type of milk powder will affect the taste too much. Hope this help :)

Creamery said...

Thanks for this wonderful recipe. I didn't use milk powder, instead I replaced the milk powder with icing sugar, it taste good. :)

celyn said...

how do we know if we overbeat? is there a colour change?

Happy Homebaker said...

celyn, there wont be a colour change, if you over beat, the butter mixture will appear greasy (butter melted)...sorry I don't really know how to describe...

Anonymous said...

Hi Happy Homebaker,

I have tried out the exact ingredients and used hand mixing. However, the dough tends to be dry and cracks easily.

Sorry as I am new to baking. After mixing butter and Horlicks, the flour mixture should be poured bit by bit into the dough? So that flour is blended into the dough?

I will try again and make sure it's crunchy the next time round..



Happy Homebaker said...

Hi Elaine, the flour mixture should be added altogether at one go. The cookie dough should not be dry, it should be soft and pliable. To make by hand, you can use a hand whisk to beat the butter and horlicks, till the mixture becomes fluffy, then add in the flour mixture and switch to a spatula to fold/blend the mixture, then gather the mixture to form a dough. Hope this helps :)

Anonymous said...

Hi Happy Homebaker,

Thanks for the quick reply. I will try again this weekend.

Thanks for sharing ur precious knowledge!! ;)


Anonymous said...

Hi Happy Homebaker,

I managed to bake the cookies successfully last weekend. :) Thanks for the useful information. All cookies have been eaten up.

I have a question. Do I need to chill the cookies? I have waited for cookies to cool down before storing in container, but somehow the choco chip nose stickes to another cookie.. :)


Happy Homebaker said...

Hi Elaine, glad to hear that your cookies turn out well this time :)
No, you dont have to chill the cookies...due to our weather (I assume you are a local?), the chocolate chips would melt, just keep them in air tight container and arrange them so that the chips wont touch the other cookies.

Anonymous said...

Hi Happy Homebaker,

Yes, I am a local.. Hehe.. Great! I will try again the next time round..

The recipes that you posted are very good! I will be trying the cookies recipe which you have pooh and piglet one.. I have got the doraemon and Mickey one.. Heard that it is tough to handle those cutters.. Hope I can get a hang of it.. The cookies are so cute..

For the cooling rack, where can it be found? I could not find in ntuc or cold storage.. Could be in Phoon Huat or SKP?


Happy Homebaker said...

Elaine, you may roll the dough and leave it to chill in the fridge so that it is easier to handle. You can get cooling rack from PH, but I just use a cheap rack that I got from Daiso.

Anonymous said...

Hi Happy Homebaker,

I tried out the cut out cookies today using top flour and not cake flour. Could it be the reason why the dough stills to rolling pin when being rolled?

I did store in the fridge for about half an hour. I re-rolled for the remaining dough as there was excess.

Despite this, my kids love them.. Thanks for the wonderful recipe.
I will try again with cake flour next time round or store longer in fridge to see if it helps.. :)


Charmaine said...

Thanks for the recipe . Is so yummy and cute!! I love the butter and crunchiness of this cookie. Definitely a great recipe!! Thank you for sharing")))

Happy Homebaker said...

Hi Elaine, I dont think it is due to the type of can roll the dough in between two sheets of parchment paper to prevent it from sticking to your rolling pin. Hope this helps.

Charmaine, glad to hear that you like these cookies :)

Anonymous said...

Hi,I tried making last nite but it doesn't turn out as good. The chocolate chip melted n when I put in the container, it sticks to other cookies. N the dough is too buttery n I cannot roll it well as it cannot hold together.
Rgds, Angeline

Happy Homebaker said...

Hi Angeline, sorry to hear that the recipe didnt work for could have over beat the butter mixture, the butter could have melted...if the dough is too soft, you can chill it in the fridge for about 30mins before shaping. I have learned this from my recent bakes...

Anonymous said...

Thank you. I will try again. One more issue - the nose of the doggie will be smudge around in container rite even after cooled down. I wanna bake some cookies for my daughter bday as part of the goody bag. You have any other suggestion?
Rgds, Angeline

Happy Homebaker said...

Hi Angeline, due to our weather the chocolate chips would melt, you can try arrange them so that the chips wont touch the other cookies or the containers...see pictures I have posted here:
hope this helps :)

Anonymous said...

Hey,why it tastes so salty? Hmm is it because i didnt use unsalted butter? :o

Anonymous said...

Thank you for the recipe! My daughter was having so much fun decorating the doggies faces that she forgot about her unhappiness in school:):) Although the ccokies didn't turn out crunchy as described in your post (I baked them much longer), they were still yummy. I shall try again.

diNe heRm said...

Hi there,

Sorry that i may sound silly but can i know which attachment to use for my mixer? K or whisk attachment?

It's going to be the first time i am going to make cookies for my nieces.

Thanks alot for the great post.


Happy Homebaker said...

Hi Dine, I do not own a mixer, I am using an old electric handheld whisk. You may check with the instruction manual of your mixer.

天蝎。公主 said...

I have tried this out by using your recipe. I secceed :) thank you for sharing it

Unknown said...

I have been following your blog for quite sometimes & i must says all your posting are great! I tried your doggies cookies yesterday & some doggies ear dropped & some cookies cracked! i guess i bake too long because i can't get the golden brown colour, so i kept extended the baking time by 5 mins each time. I don't why my many of my chocolate rice was deformed due to lousy grade? And my dough was too wet due to i left my dough in room temp too long. Results not too bad except that i find my doggy face ugly hehe! Anyway, will try to do it again!

Hi Dine, you need to use K beater whenever you need to beat butter. Hope it helps :P

Happy Homebaker said...

Hi Cloudie, thanks for reading my blog :)
You have probably over baked the cookies. Did you preheat the oven to the right temperature? Do you use an oven thermometer to check? If the temp is accurate, the cookies should be lightly browned, at most extend it for a couple more mins.

jaslyn said...


may i know why do we need to use top flour or cake flour for cookies instead of plain flour?

What is the purpose of adding corn flour?



Happy Homebaker said...

Hi Jaslyn, I am no professional baker, but from what I have read, top or cake flour is used because they have lower gluten level than plain flour. This will make the cookies or cakes lighter. as for corn flour, I think they are added in cookies recipes to make the cookies more crunchy. Hope this helps.

nesli yemeknesli said...

Çok güzel,tres jolie, great. Thank you four this recipe

Anonymous said...

my kids love thesd cute cookies e so i have baked it twice so far. However both times i couldn't pack to give away as the choc chip nose refused to harden even after 2 days of cooling as i kept touching the nose when i pack. I used Ghirardeli semi sweet choc chips. What did you use?

Happy Homebaker said...

Hi, I used mini chocolate chips from phoon huat. The chocolate chips will not stay dry/harden likely due to our warm and humid weather. When packing into containers, try not to touch the chocolate chips and arrange the cookies so that they dont over lap or touch the sides of the container. You may take a look at the pictures here:
hope this helps.

Emqian said...


Thanks for advice on the choc chips. Shall heed your advice and pack carefully =)

Unknown said...

Hi hhb

I tried ur recipe...was a hit!
But :( used chocolate horlicks not the original plain one...
Firstly very strong taste of malty chocolatey bitter horlicks...
Secondly added sugar... Was of great taste thanks...

Unknown said...

Lovely doggie