Wednesday 30 June 2010

Oatmeal, Scones, and a little Giveaway

Ever since I started baking scones, I have formed the habit of collecting scones recipes whenever I chance upon them.

This particular recipe caught my eye right away as the scones are made with some oatmeal. I like the idea of baking with oatmeal, somehow it makes the baked goods appear more healthy. It is only recently that I began introducing oatmeal into our daily diet...especially for myself and my better half. I think we really need the help from this nutritious food at our age!

So, what's so great about oatmeal?
1. Oatmeal 'soaks up' the Bad cholesterol and gets rid of it from your body, without affecting the good cholesterol.
2. All the nutrients in oatmeal are good for you heart.
3. Oatmeal also helps you lose weight! It is high in fiber but low in fat, and it stays in you stomach longer and hence reduces any cravings for snacks or junk food.
Besides all these, it is also a good source of nutrition to help children grow strong and healthy.

Oatmeal is a perfect morning meal for me as I usually have my breakfast at 6am, and by mid-morning I am tortured with constant cravings for food to keep me going before lunch! By having just a small bowl of oatmeal, it will keep me full for the rest of the morning. This helps to cut down on unwanted calories from snacks or junk food. However, I have not really acquired the taste for this miracle food. The truth is, I find the texture too sticky, chewy and slimy! Even though I started with instant baby roll oats (with no added sugar ), which is smaller and thus less chewy, I still finds it hard to have it for breakfast every other day. While my elder child has no problem finishing up one bowl, my younger one turned his nose up and has since named the bowl of gooey stuff...'the yucky porridge'. I guess it will take a long while before I could advance to regular, old fashioned, roll oats (^_^")

Contrary to the undesirable taste of eating oatmeal on its own, using it for baking creates a nice texture to the bakes. I have since been using oatmeal to bake cookies, scones and even muffins. Sprinkling some rolled oats on a bread dough just before it goes into the oven will not only magically transform it to a rustic looking loaf of bread, but also provide that little extra fiber in your diet.

As usual, I baked these scones with my younger child. Like me, he enjoys playing with flour and sink his hands into a pile of soft dough. He loves to help me with the activity which usually lands up with more flour on the table and kitchen floor than the mixing bowl!

These scones are a perfect breakfast treat, of course they also taste delicious any time with tea or coffee. However, do not expect a very soft and fluffy texture compared to scones that are made with buttermilk (an ingredient which really helps in making lighter and tender baked goods). While scones are usually served with jam or clotted cream, however, if we do run out of homemade jam, we are fine eating them plain.

The tricky part about baking scones is how to serve them warm, freshly baked, early in the morning. Unlike muffins, scones only taste best on the day they are baked. Even if you were to warm any 'left over-night' scones in the oven before serving, they just don't taste as good. My way of getting around the problem is to make the dough the night before, usually on a Friday night, and keep the dough, cling wrapped, in the fridge. The next morning, while the oven is preheating, I'll finish up with the remaining steps of cutting the dough into wedges and brushing the top with milk and they are ready to get into the oven. In less than half an hour, my family gets to wake up to a nice aroma of scones baking in the oven, and the 'gurgling' sound of coffee brewing in my coffee maker. What a great way to welcome the weekend, and this also happens to be one of the many precious moments in my life :)

Here's one good news!

To thank frequent visitors to my blog, I am doing a little giveaway! I used to do little giveaways 'privately', especially during my blog anniversaries, by giving away cookie cutters, bottles of vanilla extracts to a handful of blogger pals. This time I would like to make it a public event and extend it to the rest of you.

I got my better half to get me one extra bottle (4 oz) of Nielsen-Massey's Madagascar Bourbon Pure Vanilla extract on his recent trip to the States. So this is the little gift that will be given to one lucky reader. The only restrictions is, you need to have a  local (Singapore) mailing address, or an address in Malaysia, because it really doesn't make sense if the postage comes up to be more expensive than the gift itself.

If you are interested to participate in this giveaway, just leave your comment with this tag: 'I'll love to have it!' before 5 July and I will use an online randomizer, to pick the lucky reader. (Note: You need not leave your email address in your comments, I am worried your email address may get spammed.)

All that I ask from the winner is...bake something with the vanilla extract and share it with your families and friends :)

Cranberry Oatmeal Scones

(makes 6 ~ 8 scones)

200g cake flour
2 teaspoons baking powder
2 tablespoons caster sugar
one pinch of salt
65g unsalted butter, cold, cut into small cubes
30g instant oatmeal (I used instant baby rolled oats)
100ml milk (I used low-fat fresh milk)
50g dried cranberries (or raisins)
some orange juice or water for soaking

  1. Cover dried cranberries (or raisins) with some orange juice (or water) and soak for 10mins. Drain well and set it aside.
  2. In a large mixing bowl, sift together cake flour and baking powder. Mix in sugar and salt. With finger tips rub the cold butter into the dry ingredients until the mixture resembles coarse crumbs. (It is important that the butter be cold so when it is cut into the flour mixture it becomes small, flour-coated crumbs. I use a fork to work the butter into the dry ingredients. If the butter starts to melt away during this process, stop and place the mixture in the freezer for 10-15 mins to prevent the butter from melting further. Continue the process when the mixture is well chilled.
  3. Mix in the oatmeal and dried cranberries.
  4. Make a well in the centre and add in milk. Stir with a spatula until just combined. The mixture will be sticky, moist and lumpy. Gather up the mixture and place it on a lightly floured surface and give it a few light kneading (not more than 10 seconds) so that it comes together to form a dough. Do Not over work the dough. (Only mix the dough until it comes together. Too much kneading will cause gluten to develop, and the resulting scones will turn hard and chewy. Knead only until the ingredients come together into a combined mass.)
  5. Pat the dough into a round disc about 3/4 inch thickness. With a sharp knife cut the dough into 6 wedges (cur into 8 wedges for smaller scones).
  6. Place scones on baking sheet (lined with parchment paper), space them apart. Brush the tops with some milk.
  7. Bake in preheated oven at 200 degC for about 12- 15 minutes or until they are well risen and the tops are a light golden brown. Remove from oven and place on a wire rack to cool. Serve warm.
Recipe source:adapted from Smile! 幸福小点心, 山王丸由利绘


Unknown said...

The scones look delicious, I used to be in the US Navy and had a chance to visit Kuala Lumpur, had such a great time there just walking around.

Nicole Lee said...

I'll love to have it!

Anonymous said...

I'll love to have it! I have been reading your post of the past year after I came back from The States. Thank you for sharing your recipes and some parts of your life thru the blog. The vanilla essence will come in handy for my baking and the closing date falls on my birthday! Hahaha.... Thank you.

Jen :)

Louanna said...

I've spent the last 2 years in Australia being a SAHW (we don't have kids yet, so I only qualify as a Stay at Home WIFE) and your blog has been my constant reference for the loads of breads and goodies I've baked and shared with my neighbours.

Thanks for the wonderfully personal blog, yummy recipes and beautiful photos your have shared with us and enriched my life (and tummy!).

And in response to your giveaway, 'I'll love to have it!' :)


Bakericious said...

Hi HHB, the scones look nice! Me and husband also having oatmeal for breakfast almost everyday. For us we put walnut cum pinenut powder, flexseed powder and banana, nice quite yummy comparing with eating plain. I saw from 1 of the taiwan variety show, the host cooked oatmeal with abalone and abalone sauce, the guests raved about it so shd b very yummy too.

BTW I'll love to have it!, the Nielsen-Massey's Madagascar Bourbon Pure Vanilla extract. Hope I am lucky enough to get it kee kee kee...

Baking Fiend said...

Great looking scones!

I had not found fans in the family for scones... so i'm usually the only person who eats them if i happen to bake any (which leads to why I hadn't baked scones for a lonnnnng lonnng time). Wish I could just grab these off the screen now. LOL

Anonymous said...

Have you tried Peanut Butter Oatmeal? I eat it a lot...just spoon some PB into the pan right as it's done cooking. So delish.

peiszong said...

Wow, I will love to have it. I asked my bro to get for me during his recent trip to US but he could not find it. Where does your husband got hold of this?

ling said...

i'll love to have it!

Suhaina said...

Scones looks wonderful and nice clicks too. Very nice give away. 'I'll love to have it!' I can use it to bake cakes and cookies. Really so nice of you...

Small Small Baker said...

I'm one big picky eater. Oatmeal is something that I wouldn't eat on its own. But add it to cookies I wouldn't mind. I must try your scones one day. :)

I usually don't have luck but to support your first ever public giveaway, I'm shouting this out,

'I'll love to have it!' :D

busygran said...

It sure looks good and healthy. Fat chance for me to bake this. My hubby doesn't like scones and I will probably end up eating them. Maybe you could send one over each time you bake. Heehee ;p

Anonymous said...

'I'll love to have it!'
Dear hhb,Thanks for your scone recipe. Whenever we go to OZ for hols, we ll never fail to look for devonshire tea served with scones. Yums!
Have tried making scones, but they turned out like rock buns. LOL! Oz scones are really very soft and good, perhaps they make it on the day and serve them fresh. And their clotted cream with jam is homemade. Those places that serve them are nice little cottages along the roads to tourist attractions.

Have a lovely day, cupcake

Samantha said...

I'll love to have it!

Blessed Homemaker said...

I keep my dough in the fridge too. Save up so much of my time and we get warm breakfast. I like to feed my family with oatmeal too, this recipe is going to my To-Do list.

Pure vanilla extract! I've always wanted to make my own vanilla extract but just not motivated to do it. My vanilla pods are still sitting in my fridge, for months. Just hope I'll get to DIY one day. In the mean time, while waiting for my lazy bug to go away, I'll love to have it.

hanushi said...

I'll love to have it!

Hehe... it is sweet of you to organise a 'giveaway'. On that thought, thanks a lot, HHB! :)

Jia Ying said...

Wow, love it a lot.
It would be great to have it :-)
Thanks for sharing nice recipe, I like your blog

ღxinlingღ said...

Hi thanks for sharing this wonderful recipes...sure will try to make its one day and "i'll love to have it!" wonderful gift. ^^

Hearty Bakes said...

Healthy & rich scones, good enough to eat it alone without any other spread. I think i should also introduce this healthy treat to my family too. Thanks for sharing!
Very nice and generous of you for the gift-away. 'I'll love to have it!' Many Thanks!

Allie said...

Lovely scones :). I've never been a fan of scones but your post is inspiring me to try this out!

It's so nice of you to give away this, of course 'I'll love to have it!'.

Mum in Miri said...

'I'll love to have it!' And I can imagine your post will be flooded with comments. Anyway, your recipes always works for me and I love to read what you are baking/cooking. Keep it up!!

Edith said...

I am also searching for a good scone recipe. Definitely giving this a try.

Jenny said...

This is just GREAT! I'll love to have it! I have been an avid follower of your blog and I have tried out a few of the recipes and they turn out just GREAT! I would totally love to have Nielsen-Massey's Madagascar Bourbon Pure Vanilla extract. It would just motivate me to bake more...

Ronni said...

I'll love to have it!

I'm sure it'll be much better than the vanilla essence I managed to get from NTUC. :D Thanks HHB for the opportunity! baby loves the baby oats with fruits mashed on top. I simply just can't bring myself to eat much of it. The most I took was one spoonful (stole it from my baby's food). Yucks. So.. you are not alone. :D

Winnie Fong said...

Hi, i have been a constant reader of your blog to get some baking ideas. I just started to learn some baking recently & i really enjoy reading your blogs. I hope i can have the skills like yours too! :)

And in regards to the giveaway, 'I'll love to have it!', to be added into my kitchen, Thanks!

Products marketing said...

Yours truly have been following your blog and a few of others and very excited about your little gift away.

I hope lucky enough to win the vanilla extract and I m gonna make a strawberry tart using the vanilla custard.. yeah..looking forward... Shann

Tan Yee Lin said...

I'll love to have it! The scone recipe looks great. can't wait to try it. :)

Anonymous said...

Hi,HHB, I will love to have it!
Thanks again for your generosity.

Honey Bee Sweets said...

OOoo...very lovely and airy scones! ;) Yeah, I love collecting scones recipes too! Great idea to add oatmeal in to it, will try it out. BTW, which one is the best for you, this? Let me know yah?

Anonymous said...


I have been a quiet follower of your blog.

i'll love to have it.. Good quality vanilla extract really makes a difference to your baked stuffs. Thank you.

Gossiping :D

Anonymous said...

These scones look yummy, I don't like oatmeal but like to bake with them because the smell is great. Thks for sharing ^_^

Jorene said...

i'll love to have it!

Anonymous said...

'I'll love to have it!!!! :)

elaine shim

Cathy Ng said...

Your scones looks delicious!

"I'll love to have it!" *^_^*

Anonymous said...

I'll love to have it! I have heard of Pure Vanilla Extract so much but I have never had one before. Couldn't find it in Malaysia!


Belinda said...

I'll love to have it!!! It's so sweet of you to share this lovely bottle of vanilla extract with your readers and I'll definitely make good use of it and blog about the first baking experiment using it if i won it! :D THANK YOU!

Anonymous said...


We normally mixed with honey or condense milk (low fat) into the oatmeal - to make it tastier. And also another tips is to soak the raw oats with hot water overnight and cooked together with the same water the next morning. This is to soften the oats and also take shorter time to cook. My children loves it especially added with cranberries or nuts on it.

I've been searching for this brand of vanilla extract for quite some time and Yes I would like to participate in this lucky draw too.
Thanks !


Joanne Banh said...

I'll love to have it!

Really love your baked products, especially the recent Baked Alaska you've made, pure genius with the ice cream and all.

Anonymous said...


Juz noticed I need to add in this.
I'll love to have it!


Crumbs N Crust said...


I Love To Have It = )

Will definitely try your scone recipe... Look so Yummy.


Sonia ~ Nasi Lemak Lover said...

Thank you for your giveaway, count me in, appreciate much. I don't really like to eat oatmeal, usually my breakfast is quite heavy with either nasi lemak, fried noodles & etc. I think I need to change this habit since I got a little higher in my bad cholestrol level which reported in my recent medical check up report. Thanks for sharing this lovely and healthy scone recipe. Have a nice day.

Angel @ Cook.Bake.Love said...


I'll love to have it!

Ur scones look very good with cranberries. Btw, I just mentioned to my hubby yesterday if he would like to have scone for breakfast and he puzzled....coz he didn't know what is scone. Hehe. He is that type of person who prefers fried bee hoon for breakfast than bread. :P

Anonymous said...

I love to have it!

Love reading your blog! :)


Christine said...

Love your sharing on the wholesome scone recipe. Will defintely try it soon. I love to have it too. Thanks.

Christine T

Janice said...

Your scones look really good. Love to try it out soon

I'll love to have it!' before 5 July

Janna Wan Muhammad said...

I Love to have it ! yes I do! and it's true !

Unknown said...

I'll love to have it.

Anonymous said...

I'll love to have it! Looking forward for the good quality vanilla extract ^^

though i am new in baking but i had tried out few of your recipes and it were your blog so much!

annie sim

WendyinKK said...

I'll love to have it!!!!!

BTW, I used to hate yucky porridge too, until I found the way to make it super yummy.
Maybe you missed my post on Mango Oatmeal, and it's a far cry from yucky porridge, in my own opinion.

Anonymous said...

Ooh how lovely - a giveaway!! I'll love to have it! Would be excited to try some recipes with it for my darling hubby :)

Lille said...

'I'll love to have it!'

your blog is always my point of reference whenever i need to bake something. keep up the wonderful posts!

thanks for sharing this recipe. it will be on my to try list next.

Anonymous said...

oh oh oh, I'll love to have it!!

I'm a loyal visitor to your blog and I LOVE what you did! You inspires me!

And thank you for all the wonderful recipes! ^___^

- Eryn -

Anonymous said...

Nice one ^^

lovelyloey said...

I'll love to have it!

Thanks for sharing this product with your readers!

Mr and Mrs. Bee said...

I'll love to have it!

I love your blog. Thanks for all those pictures and recipes.

jeanchristie said...

I've been a silent reader all this while :) Thanks for sharing all your recipes! I was really intrigued by your ice cream meringue brownie cake for your son!

I usually don't have much luck when it comes to giveaways and all that, but I'd love to win this for my mom who loves baking :)

I'll love to have it!!

Anonymous said...

I'll love to have it!

And I can't wait to use the Vanilla Extract for my baking!!!


Jenny Loh said...

'I'll love to have it!'

Tried the tuna heart buns a couple of days ago. The mixture is tough to handle coz' its sticky but i managed to knead into a dough after adding flour bit by bit. Will try adding oats in the next attempt to see what it yields.


Jer Lin said...

I'll love to have it!

I love scones :P

Jasmine said...


I'll love to have it!

I'm a new sahm and enjoying every bit of it. I have used a few of your recipe recently and the results were great! My kids were most delighted that I roped in their help to bake. It's fun and definitely a great bonding opportunity.
The wholesome scones look fantastic! I'm gonna try it out together with my kids.

Thanks HHB for sharing your baking experiences with us.

Jean Leong said...

I'll love to have it!

busygran said...

Wow! Judging from the response, I think I will join in the fray. I want it too! Me, me, me!

su said...

like many others, was a silent reader until your irresistable giveaway!

l'll love to have it!

as for rolled oats, you might want to try this: soak oats overnight. drain before eating. add one chopped apple, pumpkin seeds, cranberries and raisins, dollop of honey and enough milk/unsweetened soy milk. yummy!

by the way, love all your posts. my family thinks i am a genius with my home made focaccia and bread and bao. i have to thank you for all the useful tips and recipes.

Anonymous said...

'I'll love to have it!'

Love the scones recipe!:) I love scones, am crazy and craving for some now! I hope to bake some scones this weekend, using your recipe! THANK YOU SO MUCH FOR SHARING:)


Anonymous said...


I'll love to have it!

I'm sure it'll be much better than the vanilla essence as vanilla essence is an artifical flavour.

Thanks for this little gift as it could make lots of cakes, cookies...


Jane said...

I'll love to have it !!!!! :)

Hello. Haha I'm 16 and I've been reading your blog since last year ! Got a sudden interest in baking and just cooking :))))
Learnt alot from your blog too !
Thankyou for your recipes. :D

Kitchen Corner said...

Hey HHB, seems like we are the fans of scones hur! I really love to eat scones a lot, my all time favorite snack :) Thanks for sharing this wonderful recipe, with the goodness in it, it's a must for me to try it. I'll definitely love it. Cheers!

Anonymous said...


I'll LOVE to have it! Really!!

Just finished my bottle of vanilla bean paste that I bought from Australia. Baked something the other day and was sad that I didn't have any pure vanilla extract left to use.

Audrey Tan

Happy Homebaker said...

Hi Jen, I really hope you get to win it as a birthday gift :)

Jess, thanks for telling me how to make oatmeal taste better! Walnuts and pine nuts are power food too!

Baking Fiend, what a pity…maybe you can try to 'con' them…tell them they are muffins not scones ;)

Peiszong, it is available at the WholeFoods Market…a supermarket that sells natural and organic products. You can visit their website ( to check for the store location. My husband got it from San Francisco bay area.

Hi patty, no, I usually eat it plain, I didn't know PB cannot be added to oatmeal, thanks for sharing this tip :)

hey cupcake, we went to Cameron Highland recently, and we got to try some really nice scones at one of the tea plantation…sounds like those you had in OZ :)

Hi Blessed Homemaker, I have read about making homemade vanilla extract, will love to hear about your experiment :)

Edith, this scones are not comparable to those soft and fluffy ones made with buttermilk…maybe because of the oatmeal? Let me know if you do try it.

Bee Bee, I am still looking for 'the' recipe…which will give light, soft, buttery, fluffy scones and yet made with healthy ingredients!

Thanks Linda for the tip! I'll try adding dried cranberries to make it taste better :)

Sonia, as we grow older, there is no choice but to watch what we eat. We got to stay healthy for our kids!

Cook.Bake.Love, I also have to educate my husband when it comes to the world of baking ;p

Hi wendyywy, yes I have missed a number of posts during May! I am still doing my catch up…and I just noticed you are also doing a giveaway! Thanks for sharing!

Jasmine, yes, baking is one good way to bond with children…and you will be surprised how much they can learn from baking…Science, Maths, reading (recipes), attention to details, organising, time management, motor skills, etc, etc!

Anonymous said...

I'll love to have it!!

Your blog has inspired me to bake and cook very often nowaday.

Thank you so much for sharing with your readers all the recipes and cooking tips.

Wish I am the lucky one to have this bottle of pure vanilla extract. : )


megi said...

Your scones look great, I have a scone recipe I make with oats too but I use old fashioned oats, do you think I could use old fashioned in this recipe too? I love your recipes, can't wait to try this one, my husband is still dreaming of the pastry cake! :)

Anonymous said...


I'll love to have it! i have heard so much about this extract and have been trying to get my hands on it, in fact, i remembered reading in your post that you bought the extract from US before and had wanted to ask you where can we find this extract in the states. I am asking a colleague's brother who stays in the States to get it for us. Is this brand of extract available in the supermarkets over in States or they can only be found in baking specialty stores? thks

TaB said...

I'll love to have it!
I'm so wanting to own that!
HHB, thank u so much for sponsoring this Give-away out of ur own pocket! Also, ur blog is the 1st one I've seen, to extend this give-away to SGP & MY residents.
Deeply appreciate it

shopinc said...

I'll love to have it! Wow, imagine all the things I could bake with it :)

Jo said...

I'll lvoe to have it!

I always log in to check what you have done for the day and love looking at yummy bread or cakes. And learn to bake from your recipes (only the simple one). Thanks for sharing!

Becky said...

I'll love to love it.

Heard so much about this vanilla extract but couldn't get my hands on it. Thanks for being so generous to give it away.

Ren said...

I'll love to have it -- well, actually, I *would* love to have it, but I'm too far away so I'd love to win this for my sister-in-law back in KL ;o)

Thanks for posting your recipes and experiences!

Anonymous said...

'I'll love to have it!'Thanks for your generosity in sharing the vanilla extract and the wonderful receipes and advises that you have posted and answered. Will love to try it on the receipes you have posted.

Anonymous said...

I'll love to have it..

Been checking on your blog just recently and I'm amazed with all the stuffs u whipped up...
I'm no where near your skills, but trying to perfect stuffs one by one...
Trying to perfect my chiffons and the pure vanilla extract will definitely add stars to it...

Anonymous said...

I'll love to have it!

Thank you for all you have shared :)

Anonymous said...

"I'll Love To Have It !"

Hi, i have been reading your blog for a few years now, and I love your recipes. Would love to take up your offer of the vanilla extract, and even if I don't get lucky, thanks for your generiosity anyway :) Keep on posting on your blog :)


Unknown said...

'I'll love to have it!'

Lim H said...

I'll love to have it....yes I am!

Kitchen Corner said...

While I'm typing this comment here, I'm actually eating this scones made from this recipe you've shared. It's super good, crumbly with a bit of fluffiness. What a wonderful afternoon for me today with this freshly bake scones. Thanks for sharing!

En Loves to Write said...

I love to have it. I love to have! I love to have it! :)

Christine said...

I'll love to have it!

Your scones look nice and I love the cranberry mix in them!

Sherreen said...

I'll love to love it.

Saw this vanilla extract on afc but couldn't get my hands on it. Thanks for being so generous to give it away

sherlene said...

I'll love to have it!

Happy Homebaker said...

Hi Megi, the original recipe calls for quick cooking/instant oats, so I am not sure whether old fashioned oats will be suitable. You should try the pastry cake, with wholemeal flour! I am sure you will like it :)

Octopusmum, we got it from Wholefoods market…a supermarket that sells natural and organic products. You can visit their website ( to check for the store location. The organic vanilla extract is also available, I didn't get my husband to buy as he will get very confused!!!

TaB, I hope there will be more giveaways hosted by local bloggers, I love to participate as much as hosting one :)

Hi Grace, I am glad to hear that you like the scones! What a wonderful afternoon you had! Mine was spent marking my elder son's Maths assessments, and solving sums that really drove me up the wall!

Sherreen, pardon my ignorance, what's or where's aft?

Pei-Lin said...

HHB, after reading your post, I feel so guilty lar ... It's been like what, 7 months or so since I made something scone or biscuit! *Sob* Maybe I'll do so ... soon ...

Stephanie Kok said...

I'll love to have it! =)

tracieMoo said...

I've never thought of having oatmeal in scones.. what a great idea!
and.. I'll love to have it, too!

carolc said...

A silent reader of yrs..hv been wanting to mk my own extract but never got dwn to it. "i'll love to have it'!!
Tks hhb for sharing all e great recipes : )


Aimei said...

i'll lobe to have it! :P

Your scone looks so good... I'll bookmark this recipe! :D

Ai LiNg said...

"I'll Love to have it"

Thanks for the posts..they never fail to make me wanting to try bake them! Thanks HHB!! :D

amna said...

oh boy! YES, i will love to have it :)

Anonymous said...

"I'll love to have it!"
Hi there,
thank you for being so generous in sharing your 'loot'! : )
Chris K.

Anonymous said...


thks for telling me where to get it in the States, hopefully, there is one outlet near to where my colleague's brother lives....

Anonymous said...

I'll love to have it!


NEL said...

I'll love to have it! VERY VERY VERY VERY MUCH :)

Anonymous said...


I'll love to have it!

Sharon L

natasya said...

I'll love to have it.

A suggestion if I may, bake your own muesli bar using rolled oats to up fibre intake. This way they're more delicious though less healthy.

Cuen said...

I'll love to have it.

Hhihi, thanks so much for your post on scones. I always loved scones. This is really a healthy version of it with oats. Thanks and will be making it soon. =D

Pris said...

Wa, already 100+ within 2 days.

Had read Gina's Facebook comment that this awesome Nielsen Massey's natural extract is available at PH Hougang. I have yet to try & I'll love to have it.

beannie said...

I'll love to have it!

Have been following your blog and enjoyed reading it. Nice photos and great recipes!

Amy said...

'I'll love to have it!'

And I love to have more of your recipes too!!!!

laundrygirl said...

'I'd love to have it!'

Hi HappyHomeBaker,those scones look delicious!! thanks for the recipe, if i win the vanilla extract i will definitely attempt these scones!:)

D4D said...

I'll love to have it!

HK Choo said...

Hi, blog hopped here and love your posts!

I'll love to have it!


Angie said...


I'd love to have it. And your scones sure look yummy. I love your recipes. Simple and easy for a baking-challenged person like me *wink*

Alina said...

I'll love to have it!!

stumbled upon this blog quite some time ago and i love it. been hoping to try out some recipes but i havent found the time. plus the oven at home is spoilt so i can only bake cookies and small flat stuff. dying to try those bread, muffins etc

someonecares said...

I'll love to have it!

Jasmine Ng said...

I love reading your blog and yes 'I'll love to have it!'

Anonymous said...

I'll love to have it, I really, really do!


sharon goh said...

i'll love to have it!

Anonymous said...

I'll love to have it!


Anonymous said...

I'll love to have my muffins and many more. Karine Chew-Woo

Larissasjy said...

I'll love to have it!

Hello HHB,
I've fallen in love with your blog & some creative own mixing recipe(s) :DDD
Can i have more of your recipes? Updated when you're free ! The ichigo daifuku is awesome but my mochi is abit out of shape x; Haha

With love,

arkonite_babe said...

I don't qualif for the giveawa but I'd like to share a recipe with you for my mars bar scones!

Come stop by my blog to collect the recipe!

Cheah said...

Yes, I'll love to have it! Your scones look lovely and soft enough and you have a fantastic blog, especially those mouth-watering pictures!

chara said...

I'll love to have it please and thank you with whipped cream and sprinkles on top! c:

creative minds said...

Hello HHB,
I 'll love to have it!
I love your recipes.Thank you.

Sally said...


Have always enjoyed reading your blog and like many others, was a silent reader until your irresistable giveaway!

l'll love to have it!

Your oatmeal scones look yummy. I was cracking my head this morning on what to prepare for my family tomorrow for breakfast. Looks like it is decided....OATMEAL SCONES... will be on the breakfast table. We will definitely enjoy it.

Thanks for sharing and keep up the great job!

ann low said...

This is a healthy scones! I really want to bookmark this cos I used to bake scones with toasted bacon in it.

Bakertan said...


I'll love to have it! Thanks alot =]

Rach said...

I'll love to have it!

Lynnetteqq said...

I'll love to have it! :)

Love how you improvise recipes to make healthier living for your family!

Sweeter Side of Life said...

i'll love to have it!
: D Wow real vanilla!

Anonymous said...

i love your recipes because they are so good. ive tried some like the horlicks doggie cookies and they were really good! it was gone in less than an hour among my friends n family!!!

I'll love to have it!

Meixiu said...

'I'll love to have it!'

Love reading your blog ^o^

Anonymous said...

'I'll love to have it!' I were aiming at this Madagascar for a long long time. Wanted to bake LUXE VANILLA POUND CAKE. SIMPLE and can jolly taste the real vanilla. Bestie friend of baking is vanilla.

Rene (

The Experimental Cook said...

I'll love to have it!

Thanks for your food ideas. They reduce the danger of repeat menus for my family.

Jia U!

Unknown said...

Such a wonderful gift, I'll love to have it!

Bedtime Baker said...

I'll love to have it! If I ever get lucky,I would share the gift with my mum-in-law who loves to bake too...

Btw, your scone loooks awesome and nutritious! I just can't wait to try it out soon..

Piglet said...

I'll love to have it!

The scones look sooooooo yummylicious!!

Guo Wei said...

i always think that scones are the trickiest things to bake, cos the idea of baking with cold butter in hot singapore scares me! though i've never had scones without buttermik, so this should be interesting.

and yes I'll love to have it!

Mumto4Angels said...

Hi, I recently failed in my 1st time scones baking, but I'm not going to give up so easily. once I saw your blogs on scones/ biscuits , I'm determine to give it a try again this weekend on the 'Mama Scones' that you posted and will tell you how it comes out, thanks for sharing.....I love your blogs.....:)

baby cribs said...

Wow! I never thought that oatmeal can be making as a delicious cake. It looks very yummy and I know it is healthy because it is made with oats.

serena said...

Hi, may I know which software did you use to edit your photos here, especially to highlight the words "cranberry oatmeal scones" in your photos?

Happy Homebaker said...

Hi serena, I used this free photo editor, Photoscape. There is this function that allows you to draw on your images. I created a box, chose a light colour almost white and adjust the 'opaque' function and placed it at the bottom part of the photo (see 1st and 3rd photo). Then I typed the text over it, this way, it seems to 'highlight' the text. Hope this is what you are asking?

Angela said...

Hi I've been lurking on your blog for a while but I tried this scone recipe today and it was totally awesome :) even with my young and noob baking skills. I substituted milk for cream since I have cream leftover but it was good! ~yum. thank you for posting these easy to follow recipes :)