Thursday 22 April 2010

Have A Snack

I will always pick up a bag of Tohato Caramel Corn snack whenever I drop by Daiso. You can get this snack at most supermarkets, but it's only at Daiso that you get to see a whole rack stock to the bream with colourful bags of caramel corns in different flavours. My kids love these caramel corns, so do I. It reminds me very much of 乖乖 (Kuai Kuai) a similar snack which I grew up eating ;')

Tohato caramel corn is light, airy and very crunchy. It is quite sweet, but, very addictive! Once a bag is opened, it is quite impossible for us to stop before every thing is gone (^^''')

These tasty snacks come in different flavours. Besides the 'original' or regular flavour, I have tasted strawberry, honey roasted peanuts (there are actually a small amount of roasted peanuts in the bag), vanilla ice cream and honey butter. Another thing I love about this snack is the attractive packaging with a cute face on it.

While I was doing my grocery shopping the other day, a sea of sweet pink bags caught my attention. Isn't this design lovely? How could one resist the facial expression on the bag? This is a new flavour I have yet to try. These peach flavoured corns come in 'dual tone', pink and white (pale yellow actually). Apparently it is designed for the Japanese Doll Festival, Hina-matsuri or Girls' Day, held in early March.

Sitting alongside the pink bags were these green ones...Matcha with Kuromitsu. Kuro means black and mitsu means honey, kuromitsu is a sugar syrup made from black sugar (kuro-zato), the famously healthy dark brown sugar produced in Okinawa. This 'limited edition' is available for a limited period only (as stated on the packing). Since I like anything matcha, this went into my shopping basket as well.

and here's my review:

The peach flavoured curly corns do have a very slight hint of peachy taste, the colours are pretty too. Whereas the matcha kuromitsu flavour ones are in a familiar matcha dull, greyish green. No matter how hard I tried, my untrained palette simply couldn't detect any matcha flavour. Nevertheless, it still taste lip-smacking good :[)

I guess only a junk food junkie like me would devote a post on this snack! Hope you didn't find it a waste of time dropping by here (*^^*)


Blessed Homemaker said...

I love this snack too! And like you, will pick up a pack when I visit Daiso.

And no, definitely not a wasted trip to your blog, thanks for sharing.

PS: It will only be a "wasted" trip if you have no updates ;-)

tracieMoo said...

Hi HHB, I never grew up eating snacks as mum didn't want to put that habit on me. But after I grow up I search for snacks whenever I feel stressed. You're right. The packaging does look very tempting. If I saw that, I would have bought it too. They look pretty and colourful. I think that should also cheer people up abit despite it's taste :)

thecoffeesnob said...

I love these! They're so addictive and thanks to how light they are, it's too easy to polish off a whole bag.

My best friend loves the strawberry flavour. I saw it selling at Daiso once last year but haven't seen it since. Seems like they have discontinued it pfft.

Aimei said...

Hi HHB! Of cos' its not a waste of time dropping by! To be frank I've never bought the snacks from Daiso as I'm not that adventurous when it's all Jap characters :P Heh but after reading your post, I'll definitely buy the corn snacks for a try. :)

tini said...

i love these too! yep the packaging's cute n it's very yummy too will definitely polish off 1 bag once opened too lol! haha definitely not a waste dropping by cheered my day! =)

Pete said...

Nice attractive snacks. My kids would love this also1

Anonymous said...

Dear HHB

May I please request for the Mango Yogurt Pudding cake recipe.

Thank you.


Paula said...

unfortunately in Poland we don`t have this snack...

tigerfish said...

I did not grow up with Kuai Kuai but grew up with Ka Ka :P

ellie said...

Oh my goodness i love the package designs, the faces are too cute!

We don't have these in the UK, nor anything similar i don't think but i'm glad i have read about them and will do some online searching to see if i can find any suppliers!

Thank you for the post- definately not a waste in my eyes at all!

sherlyn said...

Like one of your fan said, it is only a wasted trip when there is no new post when I dropped in, but it has changed after I had safari. Your page is in the "home page" and if there is any update, there will be a star, so I will not miss it (unless I did not switch on the PC).

Like you I love this snack, and I really polish the whole bag off all by myself. The initial intention is buying for kids but usually I will tell myself "shd not let them eat too much tidbits" then I just finish it off when they sleep at night.

Can you imagine what have I accumulated from this super sweet tidbit ? hehe

natasya said...

Every one of your post is very informative. I would never think of it as 'time-wasting'. In fact this post is unique, don't think I have come acrossed another blogger that put up store-bought junk food on their blog...LOL! Keep up the good work.

BTW, I made paus again using your steamed red bean baus skin. I made it savoury this time using chicken thigh fillet, mushroom and hard boiled egg, much like 'tai-pau'. Very yummy. The skin is good. Thanks again.

mr. pineapple man said...

yummy! great blog u have here!

Happy Homebaker said...

dear all, thanks for your kind words and support :)

Hi Florence, I am afraid I can't share the recipe as it needs some fine tuning, I will write about it soon. btw, it is quite a weird combination, not sure whether you will like it?!

Thanks Sherlyn, I use firefox, but my kids prefer safari.

Hi natasya, thanks! I've tried making meat pau with the same dough recipe too :D

Elyn said...

You made them sound very nice! Look like I will grab one pack the next time I pop by Daiso :)

ewe said...

hi there , i like your blog

sherlyn said...

I am expose to safari first, so i hv been sticking to it thou firefox sits right besides. Btw, how come nowadays there are no email to the comments to your new posts?

Happy Homebaker said...

Hi Sherlyn, sorry I don't get what u mean...what email to comments??

sherlyn said...

Oh, whenever I post a comment to your post, I will get an email informing me that I have commented on your post. So when u reply, or anyone submit his/her comment, I will also recv emails. So I can follow up your reply to my comments in email. But now, I do not recv these emails anymore, so I did not know that you have replied.

Happy Homebaker said...

Hi Sherlyn, I didnt change any settings, and I am not aware of such a function ;p Maybe you need to check the setting over at your side?

Anonymous said...

Hello Homebaker! I remember eating these snacks when I was younger and I have recently re-discovered them. My absolute favorite is the strawberry! I can't tell you how many stores I've gone to, but no one had it. I asked a sales clerk if they had any in stock and was told that the strawberry flavored snacks were discontinued!! >_< I just couldn't believe it! Anyways, I was wondering if you heard of this. I really hope it's not true.

Happy Homebaker said...

Hi Anonymous, yes, I have not seen the strawberry flaovur on the shelves for a long time too. Hopefully they will bring it in again soon.

sherlyn said...

Its ok then. Should not be my setting too, cos I still recv emails on the old posts that I left comments .. just the new post that I do not recv emails so maybe it is blogspot. keke.
Anyway, I will have to remind myself to come in and chk your reply if i leave you any comments lor ;-)
Thanks for the trouble.

Anonymous said...

Its so nostalgic. I told my kids that this flavour remind me of a snack I ate when I was little but I can't recall it. Now that you mentioned "kuai kuai", I guess I finally found the answer.
Happy Mothers Day!
