Thursday 6 October 2011

cookies on sticks

I made these M&M cookie pops to mark Children's Day, which falls on the first Friday each October.

This year, only my younger child gets to enjoy the holiday. Since my elder son has started secondary school it will be a normal school day for him. In fact, he is busy preparing for his end-of-year examination. Not sure whether I am doing the right thing, but I have left it to him to handle his studies, I no longer coach or guide him like what I used to do when he was in primary school. So, I am now feeling a little nervous as his final exam draws closer. I am keeping my fingers all crossed and could only hope that he is able to pass all his subjects.

Back to my latest bakes...I got the idea of making these cookies on sticks when I stumbled upon a Korean translated to Chinese baking book in the library. It is really a rare find! There are many Japanese translated cookbooks but this is the first time I have came across a Korean baking book. Although the recipe from the baking book is quite straight forward, I decided to fall back on my usual chocolate chip cookies recipe. The only extra step was to stick the ice cream sticks into the cookie doughs and decorate the top with some mini M&Ms before popping them into the oven.

I managed to find ice cream sticks from the neighbourhood SPK shop. It comes in small packs...50 sticks for a dollar. I had earlier went to Phoon Huat to look for the sticks, but they do not sell in small quantities, and I am too cheapskate to part $4.50 for 20 Wilton cookies sticks ;)

I washed the ice cream sticks, soak them in water for an hour before using...just to make sure they don't break or get burnt during baking. As the ice cream sticks took up space, I had to bake these cookies in two batches. I told myself I did the right thing when I retrieved these colourful lollies from the oven! In case you ask, the word 'thing' refers to picking up baking as a hobby ;)

I got my younger boy to write the words on the sticks. For those to be given away, he wrote the name of each receiver on the stick, plus his favourite smiley, before I wrapped them with clear cookie bags. They looked very much like lollipops! I didn't have photos to show as my lousy photography skill (actually I have not acquired any such skills) is not able to handle the very reflective cookie bags (^^')

There is a down side to these cookies-on-sticks though. I have to keep reminding my kids to eat them only at the dinning table, because, if you are not careful, the cookie may fall apart half way eating it :(

Despite the 'hazard', I would still think these lollies are better alternatives to any sugar laden treats for young children. Hope you won't blame me if your little ones, or not-so-little ones start pestering you  to bake some for them ;)

Here's wishing all children a Happy Children's Day!


Unknown said...

These look so lovely, such a great idea! I will have to have a go at these :)

With love from England!


renata said...

wow loved this, very easy and pretty!

Anonymous said...

Cute! what a great gift idea! I think children should have more children's days :P

Aimei said...

Oh so pretty! Adults and kids will all like it! I once made for company event but I used satay sticks.. Never thought of ice cream sticks. I think this is better as you can personalize with writings on the sticks ;)

Unknown said...

Woo, love this recipe and the idea for children...

happybowl said...

you are so innovative..

ReeseKitchen said...

I've marked down all this cookie sticks and cake pops for my coming X'mas party. Oh just can't wait to try them out...:) Thanks for sharing yours!

Angelic Heart~ said...

This is a brilliant idea of making such beautiful cookies! Thanks for sharing. :)

CY said...

I made similar cookies for my daughter to bring to school for her birthday, although I used a plain cookie recipe and added 100s and 1000s for colour. Yours look a treat too! I found using m&m or smarties created a lot of runny colour when they started to melt a bit, did you have the same problem?

Anonymous said...

Great idea of using ice-cream sticks!

agapejen said...

so pretty, can I check if you are using normal M&M chocolates or those for baking?

Happy Homebaker said...

Aimei, they will look perfect if you were to use those alphabets rubber stamps to stamp our the names...I resort to cheapo manual hand writing ;)

happybowl, nah, I am just a copy cat!

ReeseKitchen, u can test it out before the parties, just use any cookie recipes you like :)

CY, those rainbow 100s and 1000s are great! I didnt have problem with the m&ms, just make sure no moisture comes into contact with make sure your fingers are dry before picking them up. and dont store the m&ms in the fridge, once they condense, the moisture will make the colour runs.

agapejen, I used normal Mini m&ms...those that come in a small tube (I used about 1.5 tubes). The normal size m&ms will be too big.

Anonymous said...

Hi There,

When you pack them in plastic and tie them up, does air trap in and spoil the cookies?


Happy Homebaker said...

Hi Sandra, after wrapping them in the cookie bags, I store them in air tight containers before giving them away the following day. I don't think the cookies will spoil or turn soft as long as they are consumed within a couple of days.

ann low said...

I love this cookies on sticks creation. So suitable for kids :)

The Experimental Cook said...

Good reminder about eating only at the table to catch 'falling cookies'. The stuff only mums will think about ;-)

Sonia ~ Nasi Lemak Lover said...

great idea, kids sure like this cookies sticks!

Happy Flour said...

Great idea and was very nicely presented.

Jessie-CookingMoments said...

Wow, you have turned a simple recipe to something so colourful & pretty! What a brilliant idea! Thanks for sharing!

sherlyn said...

The ice cream stick is a brilliant idea. Can write messages means that it can be used in any occassion! I ever wonder how come people make cake pops by crumbing a cake then assembling it into balls. I wanted to try mini muffin-pop. Haha, but I will probably be using satay sticks too :)

Gloria Baker said...

look absolutely nice! gloria

Edith said...

wow hand written message! this is definitely baked with love.

Anonymous said...

Omg... It looks so yummy, so colourful, so lovely... Feel like being a child again and receive one of these from you ^o^


Constance said...

These cookies looks so cheerful. I always hop to your page to see what u have bake and they really inspire me ( at times, I am just to lazy to bake).

createwithmom said...

colourful cookies on the stick lovely pictures

Larissasjy said...

may i know where did you buy your M&M chocolate? I thought when you bake M&M choco it will melt & the colour will be gone or smth???

Francine C. Ellwood said...

Great pictures! I've already seen (and ate) something similar to these lovely cookies, but yours are much prettier!

Happy Homebaker said...

Larissasjy, I got them from ntuc fairprice, the mini ones. No, they wont melt away upon baking.

Leon Verone Sweet Sharings, Congrats! Sorry can't vote for you as I do not have a facebook account.

Anonymous said...

Can you please let me know should I use the fan function when baking bread or cakes. TQ.

Anonymous said...

These lollipop cookies are so cute, thks for sharing the idea ^_^

Happy Homebaker said...

Hi Anonymous, it really depends on your oven. For my new oven, I use only fan function if I need to bake on two racks. For cakes and bread I usually use the top and bottom heat function. In the past, my tabletop has got only the top heat, no fan or bottom heat, it works just as well.

Anonymous said...

Thank you so much for your prompt reply, I just bought a new Zanussi Oven with fan function and just do not know when I am suppose to use the fan function. Ya, maybe like you say I will use the fan function when baking on 2 racks, I can bake on 2 racks at 1 time is it. I usually bake in 1 rack for my previous tabletop.

Happy Homebaker said...

Hi, yes, can bake on 2 racks at a time, that is the 'beauty' of a built in oven :):) My old tabletop could only take one tray too. Also, you need to adjust the rack position depending on what you bake, eg for chiffon cake, I usually place the rack at the 2nd rack position from the bottom because of the overall height of the tube pan. As for other cakes and bakes, I usually position it so that the pan is in the middle of the oven, with even spacing from top and bottom. Always estimate it by placing your empty pan on the rack before you preheat the oven. Hope this helps :)

Anonymous said...

Really thank you for your advise & reply, my Zannusi Oven is still consider as table top, 55L with 3 racks, bottom rack with a dripping pan with a rack & a rack on the 1st shelf. No additional tray & handle. The rack given is about 15" x 15", so have to get own tray cos old table top are small trays. At least now I can bake 2 trays at a time. Onces again TQ.

Anonymous said...

These are just so adorable and perfect for children's day, HHB!

And I'm sure your son will do perfectly fine studying on his own for his exam- both your boys sound very inquisitive and smart!

Happy Homebaker said...

Hi, my built in oven is just slightly bigger at 58L with only 1 rack and 1 drip tray. But it is certainly a major upgrade for me, I am sure you feel the same :):)

Laureen, thanks for your assurance, I certainly hope he won't do too badly. My 'annual performance appraisal' is assessed base on their report cards ;)

Anonymous said...

Thanks you so much for your kind advise and yes, I am very happy and really felt a major ungrade for me too,thanks for sharing.

Anonymous said...

Just would like to check with you cos yesterday I bake bread in 2 tray, the top tray brown nicely but the bottom tray was not that well brown, also, I used the fan function since I am baking 2 trays at one time & it seem not well bake, kindly advise. TQ.

Happy Homebaker said...

Hi, I don't have problem with uneven browning for the lower tray, maybe you can extend the baking time for the lower tray?

Cupcake loverke said...

It looks wonderful in it’s pure simplicity. What lovely flavors! Looks amazing!

Anonymous said...

Thank you for your reply, you mean to say when you bake 2 trays of bread you also used the fan function is it, also when I first try out a coffee chiffon cake using fan function, the cake was very nice & soft, next day I try to bake a sweet corn chiffon cake without using the fan function, it was a bit wet, soft is ok, do not know why, TQ.

Happy Homebaker said...

Hi, yes, I use the fan mode when baking on two trays, eg cookies or two pizzas, this is as recommended, on the instruction manual of my oven. I don't use the fan mode to bake chiffon, just top and bottom heat. So far I don't have problem with wet chiffon, I suspect your cake was a little under baked, you may extend the baking time for a couple of minutes if you are not using the fan mode.

You are doing the right thing to experiment with different settings, soon you will know how you oven behaves and will be able to decide which function to use :)

Anonymous said...

I am truly sorry to bother you again, you use the fan mode when baking on two trays for cookies or pizzas, so what about bread, sorry my oven (zannusi) instruction manual do not have such instruction, that is why I am so confuse, luckily you are helping me out, really have to experiment & really appreciate your help & thank you. TQ once again.

Happy Homebaker said...

Hi, I have not tried baking two trays of bread with my oven. For my Bosch oven, the instruction manual says, for baking two trays, use fan mode. for other baking (on one tray), use top and bottom heat. The fan mode is for better heat circulation, so both trays will get even heat.

Anonymous said...

Thank you so much for your reply, TQ.

yesicanbake said...

This is a such a good idea! I had to bake some for myself. Thank you ^.^

Anonymous said...

It's simply an awesome idea to bake the cookies in this way! Really live the idea! By the way, where did you get your cookie wrappers? TQ!

Happy Homebaker said...

Hi, I got clear, small cookie bags from Daiso,

Mommy said...

Hi HHB, you mentioned that putting the M&Ms on the cookies before popping them into the oven...wouldn't the M&Ms melt away during the baking?

Thanks for sharing.

Happy Homebaker said...

Hi, the M&Ms will not melt away during baking.

Sammy said...

oh wow! these looks absolutely delish! the colorful M&Ms on the cookies make them stand out, and am sure the kids love it. :) my son was looking at those pictures and pointing at them like crazy! :)

thanks for sharing. will try this one time.

Yanting said...

Hi! Can I juz check with u where u bought the clear plastic cookie bags for wrapping these cookies? I can't seem to find them. Thanx!

Happy Homebaker said...

I got it from Daiso.

Yanting said...

Haha, Thanx! I managed to find them there yday too! Thanx! Btw, I like your blog! :)

Unknown said...

I stumbled upon your blog when I google on M&M cookie recipe and it was just nice for Teachers Day gifts time! I wished I can show you the photos. The teachers (and d children) goes Ooohh n Aahh over d lollipops! Thank you so much again for posting your recipes n ideas!

emma's mummy said...

Thanks so much for this easy and beautiful cookie! I made it last night, my girls keep "Wah, Wah....." when I put in m&m. Tonight I will put in ribbons and words.

Thanks! The ice-cream sticks in Popular bookshop is cheaper than SKP, 200 sticks for $1.2, if you will make it again.

Happy Homebaker said...

Hi emma's mummy, I think all kids will like these! but do note that the cookies will fall off the stick easier, so make sure your girls have a plate or something to catch the crumbs when they are having their 'ice creams'! and thanks for the info on where to get cheaper ice cream sticks ;)

Unknown said...

hi there, do you bake together with ice cream stick>

Happy Homebaker said...

Yes, I bake the ice cream stick together with the cookies.

Unknown said...

do you know how big is the cookies and how you shape it?

Happy Homebaker said...

They are about 2". I used a drop cookies recipe (refer link in the post above), no shaping required just use a spoon to drop the batter onto baking tray and then place the ice cream stick into the batter.