在一个偶然的机会下, 我在一间不常去的图书馆, 从书架上找到德永久美子的這本书, '愛上做面包'。隨手拿起來翻了一翻,立刻如获至宝似的把它捧回家。沿途我一边翻阅一边幻想着,如果能学会制作那一款款的面包, 那将是多美好的事。单是想像滿室的面包香就觉得好幸福! 这真是一本好温馨的书。我也好羨慕作者有一个可爱的女兒当任她的小帮手。如果我家那两个臭小子有她一半任真的态度哪该多好!
把书借回家后, 第一个做的就是圆面包!
这都是手做的哦, 花了半小时才把面团搓好, 手都快断了! 所用的材料只有面粉, 糖, 盐, 酵母和水, 够简单吧! 可能有人又会认为这未免太单调了吧?! 可是我的理念还是: 简单就是美。越简单的材料越能突出面包本身的风味...相对的越难把它做好...因为没有其他材料(如,巧克力, 奶油, 牛奶, 鸡蛋)可以掩饰风味不足的面包。
面团发酵得很好, 虽然当天的天气不是很好, 可是, 不到一小时, 面团就膨胀了两倍。
看到小面团在烤箱里膨胀得那么圆圆滚滚可爱的模样, 不禁拿起相机, 按下快门!
我虽然没有作者不到一成的功力, 不过我还是相当满意自己亲手做的小面包 :)
你看, 它们一个个圆圆的型状是不是超可爱?!
面包的外皮酥脆, 里面松软却很有嚼劲, 就像一般欧式的面包, 有如那种用来配浓汤的面包。在热乎乎的面包涂上香浓的奶油, 简单的味道就是一种幸福...
这是第一次用中文书写, 有一点丢人现眼的感觉, 文笔不好请多多包涵 ;)
(For those of you who can't read Chinese, you may want to hop over here to read the not-so-accurate English translated version, I had a good laugh reading the translated version!! and I really didn't mean that my boys are smelly ;p )
White Bread Rolls
(makes about 12 mini-rolls)
300g bread flour
1 teaspoon instant yeast
1 tablespoon caster sugar
1 teaspoon salt
200ml lukewarm water (about 30 degC)

这是第一次用中文书写, 有一点丢人现眼的感觉, 文笔不好请多多包涵 ;)
(For those of you who can't read Chinese, you may want to hop over here to read the not-so-accurate English translated version, I had a good laugh reading the translated version!! and I really didn't mean that my boys are smelly ;p )
White Bread Rolls
(makes about 12 mini-rolls)
300g bread flour
1 teaspoon instant yeast
1 tablespoon caster sugar
1 teaspoon salt
200ml lukewarm water (about 30 degC)
- Stir bread flour, caster sugar, salt, and instant yeast in a mixing bowl.
- Add in water. Mix the ingredients with hand and slowly form into a dough.
- Transfer dough to a lightly floured work surface. Knead until the dough no longer sticks to your hand, becomes smooth and elastic. This should take about 20 to 30 mins. Do the window pane test: pinch a small piece of the dough, pull and stretch it. It should be elastic, and can be pulled away into a thin membrane without tearing/breaking apart.
- Place dough in a lightly greased (vegetable oil) mixing bowl, cover with cling wrap and let proof in room temperature (around 28 to 30 degC) for about one hour, or until double in bulk.
- Remove the dough from the bowl and give a few light kneading to press out the gas in the dough. Divide into 12 portion, about 35-40g each. Roll into rounds. Cover with a damp cloth or cling wrap and let the doughs rest for 10mins.
- Flatten each dough into a small disc and roll into rounds again. Place doughs on baking trays lined with parchment paper. Space out the dough to allow room for the dough to expand. Dust the surface of the dough with some flour. Cover with damp cloth or cling wrap and leave doughs to proof for the second time for about 40 ~ 50mins, or until double in size.
- Bake in pre-heated oven at 200 deg C for 12-13 mins or until golden brown. Remove from oven and let cool completely before storing in an airtight container. Note: This bread doesn't keep well, best eaten fresh within one day.
WOW...HHB, these small round bread are so Gorgeous. I love the golden colour after it's baked. You are really very talented in baking bread. How i wish i half 10 - 20% of your bread making skill :)
p/s: I have tried your banana passionfruit jam recipe and it's taste very nice and fragrant and everyone loves it. Thanks for sharing. :)
I LOVE how the proofed dough looked! So round, smooth and nice..Somehow, I have never managed to get such smooth dough, even with the bread machine kneading it. =(
any tips or secrets? =p
哇!HHB您的中文很棒耶!和你的英文一样了得:-)你做的小圆包让我看了垂涎三尺!你的烘焙功力已到了炉火纯青的境界了:-p 我很喜欢引用您的食谱,即简单又健康。一个字:棒!
最近才又再引用你的Choc Chip Muffins的食谱。以往我做的松饼都不好,现在用了您的食谱后,效果改善了很多。真要谢谢您!
Those who can't read Chinese, I was just saying over here that HHB is good in both languages: Chinese & English. Also, all her recipes are simple and healthy. I have used some of her recipes and the results were good. She is an excellent baker. Agree?:-)
Ha, today also my first time doing bun, mine also use manual by hand,
I'm thinking to do the chicken floss type, my kids requested for that, the bread dough is resting now, looking forward to see the result, will post it soon.
Haha, the translation was pretty funny! You know what doesn't need translation? How delicious this bread looks!
HHB, this is so surprising ^^
i'm a little not used to read your blog in Mandarin but it does sound fun ^^
Your chinese is very good leh! i had a good laugh when i read the translated text.
HHB, 你的中文实在是不得了。想当年我的作文也是七八十分以上。可是这么多年没用中文书写,已经生锈到不行。你还可以写得这么流畅,真是佩服!我怀疑你以前一定是个高材生,所以做每一件事情都难不倒你。
你的中文一样顶瓜瓜!可媲美来自宝岛的博客喔! 起初,我还以为我点击错了呢!:)
Can I use this on my bread machine ? If yes, roughly how long ?
I'm not very good at kneading.
Thanks !
I'm sure the smell of the buns baking in the oven was lovely! Sorry I can't read chinese so I didn't read the narrative part, but I'm sure to bookmark the recipe to try soon!
i always thought u are a banana. haha, i am wrong. The buns look very nice
HHB - u're only an excellent baker who reads english.. mandarin.. & japanese to right? i cant read mandarin so i guess i'm missing out those jokes the rest are cracking. u're also an excellent photographer too :)
Hi Ellena, I am glad to hear that you like the banana passionfruit jam :) I will experiement with a couple more jam recipes in the future.
Youfei, there is no secret leh...I just knead and knead and knead the dough until it becomes smooth, just like the 'before/after' photo posted here.
Esther, you have overestimated my skills! I still consider myself a novice in the area of baking, there are still so many things I do not know and I have not tried. I am glad to know that you have learned to bake delicious muffins, I always believe PMP...practise makes perfect!
Hi Emile, It must be very exciting for you! I look forward to reading about your experience :)
Hi Elyse, thanks for your kind words :D
温馨小屋, I do involve them in baking, but recently, they would rather play ping pong then to drop by the kitchen!
Hi Siang Ying and Eu Jin, I have always wanted to post in Chinese, but I am very bad in typing as my hanyupinyin is terrible!
Hi Octopusmum, thanks for the assurance :)
dear SSB, after my O levels, I have not written anything in Chinese! No lah, I am not a 高材生, there was no such programme during my time! I am just a 慵材! Like you, I have extreme difficult typing out Chinese text! English is till easier and faster ;)
MH, I didn't know you have two smelly kids too! lolz ;p
Hi Anonymous, I have not tried using the bread machine for this recipe. You certain can use your bread machine to knead the dough. I usually let the machine run for 20mins (standard kneading time), stop, restart and let it knead for another 10 mins and leave the dough to proof in room temperature. Hope this helps :)
Hi CY, you didnt miss much on the narative...it was mainly about how I came across the cookbook, and how this recipe uses very simple ingredients.
Hi Bakeling, 我有25年没用中文书写,真是现丑了! 我的中文打字也太慢啦!
花 花 宇 宙, oh Really?!! I didn't know I've given you this impression! I am actually a true-blue Chinese Helicopter! I speaks 99% Mandarin with my kids and family members. I think/speak in Chinese but I can write better in English.
hi Xan, I can't read Japanese! You didn't miss out much...I was just using some terms to describe my kids as little rascals...and Babel fish translated it to become "smelly boys"! and some of the terms was totally out! Eg dough became pasta, and beauty became United States?!
Btw,your round buns really look gorgeous and the photos are very well taken too, just like photos in recipe books, even better.
You seem to be talented in everything, from baking, photography, writing, and now blogging in chinese! Amazing ;-p
I love this simple bread. just wondering if i can do a wholemeal version ? do i just half the bread flour with wholemeal flour. You think it'll work ?
haha quite lazy to type in chinese... i tried that in my posts before and i think before i can finish ranting and complaining in my blog in mandarin 我的感触或愤怒或灵感都没了。。。
i should give this a try.. i haven't tried bread before, and last time ur other recipes uses bread maker which i dun have... hope it'll raise..
anyway i encountered a sesame bun in Bintan... just can't seem to find it here.. it's quite hard overall, like a hardroll.. but got sesame seeds inside. peel the bread and you get the sesame aroma inside. heaven loh. would u know of similar bread or have a similar recipe for me to try? =)
Those bread rolls look beautiful - they are so round, like little balls!
Hi Cook.Bake.Love, 我也是半桶水!
Hi Quizzine, thanks for your kind words, but I am not talented in anyway. I can only manage simple things, even my photos are all point-and-shoot!
Thanks Jennifer!
Hi Mico, I think you can try replace half of the bread flour with wholemeal flour. However, you will need to use slightly more water...but I don't know how much, you can add a little at a time to adjust until you are able to form a soft but not wet dough. Before kneading, the dough should look like the one (left side) in the 2nd photo.
Hi Oleagopoly, you don't need a bread machine to make bread, those recipes that I have posted (using bread machine to knead), you can always knead it by hand. I have come across recipes that have got seasames in the bread, but I have not tried them. The buns you mention sounds so good!
Thanks Rose & Thorn!
HHB, I didn't realise u "manufacture bread... fm a good warm book ...by rubbing the pasta with... hand quick bread"!! I also learnt new vocabulary like "difficultly; ultra loveable" - I think I must hv been absent when my English teacher taught these words. Love the translation and yes, I please very much do forgive!!!!
yummy breads.
this looks easy to try (I think, *fiddle fingers*)... i haven't dared venture into bread yet. Have been looking and reading your recipes of cakes and cookies and wondering if i'll ever touch the bread recipes.. I'm always concerned that without the bread making machine, the temperature/atmosphere is wrong and afraid the yeast wont raise the bread...
maybe should dive in and try then we decide hor? I told my hubby i'll try on Saturday afternoon since it's in the day, likely warmer. He told me to check the weather forecast. =_="
guess if the first time works, i'll throw in the sesame seeds the next time!! will let you know!!! =)
HHB, 我完全可以理解“手做的幸福”,应该是种先苦后甜的滋味吧。小小的包包超美!弄得我手痒痒的,可是最近真的太忙了,实在没时间搓面团。希望五月中后,我能像你一样,享受这种幸福。
ps 你的文笔很好,让我犹如在读台湾的部落,应该多写。
I need some advces from you.
I just bought a loaf pan (my first one actuallly), it's non-stick carbon steel type (black colour).
I'd like to know what is the commmon size for loaf pan which suits most recipe (to make cake or bread)?
The size I picked is 20x15x7cm. I can exchange it within 3 days if the size is not right. Hope you can give me some advices. Thks.
Sorry to bother u again. I have double confirmed with the shop, 27x15x7cm is the outer dimension.
Actual size is 9"x5". One size smaller is 8"x4".
Which one do you think is more common and versatile?
Thks for your advice.
手好巧, 成品比书上还要美,加油!
Hi vb, you are very funny :D
Oleagopoly, hope you have a fun time!
KWF, I am looking forward to read about your bread :)
Hi Cook.Bake.Love, I am sorry I do not know which is a common size. I have a similar loaf pan (non-stick) which is about 8.5"x4.5"x2". I use it only for quickbread. For making yeast bread I use my pullman tin, which is 7"x4"x4". If you use mainly recipes from American cookbooks, I would think the bigger one is more common? I notice they use mainly 9" round pans. I'm sorry my knowledge in this area is very limited, maybe the staff at the shop can give you advise on this?
Thanks for your reply.
Mine is 9"x5" I think is slightly bigger than yours, I think I will keep it (kiasu a bit, choose the bigger one, haha).
I think I will consider to get a pullman tin as well. Thank you.
wonderful, beautiful pictures
I guess I need not say much as as most of them (ya i read all the comments - got tips mah) have said it all. Will just look forward to your new posts. (Your blog is read more often than I read newspaper, haha)
哇 !好羡慕喔 ! 胖嘟嘟的面包, 太可爱啦 ! 我一直只会蒸蛋糕就是怕烤蛋糕,面包和饼干的材料太多,制做工序又复杂。得试试这个让人忍不住吞口水的小可爱唷 !
Your buns look absolutely fabulous! I wish I can shape as well as you. One day maybe.. but don't know when... hahaha
Wow!!! i must make these. I love the PHoto's.... i feel like i can grab it and eat it lol
HHB, i love the look of those buns and they look so nice and round.. like those on sale in Japanese bakeries... i love your blog. been following it for a while..
i don't read chinese so i thought i missed out on the chinese part but the translation was just so terribly funny! makes me laugh so hard!
thanks for sharing all your lovely recipes!
tried!! haven test yet though.. hopefully it's edible. LOL!!
didn't turn out as brown as yours.. had to change to 220C instead coz at first when I use 200C for 12-13 min it was still white! didn't dare to overbake in case it turns out as hard as rock =)
I can see the many ardent supporters of your blog by the sheer no. of posts here! Great job and i do love the way your end product turns out. its always so tempting and inspirational (I fail most of the time) :P
真可愛! Another bread's recipe that I copied!
Hi Happy Homebaker,
Thanks so much for sharing the recipe! Finally had the courage to try bread making after reading your assuring post. Attempted the recipe and the bread rolls were delicious! http://dreamersloft.blogspot.com/2009/05/mini-crusty-bread-roll.html
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